We have experience in preventing and resolving all types of industrial disputes including: strikes, overtime bans, go slows, pickets, black bans etc. We have had success in resolving disputes quickly to minimise the impact on your business. We also deliver long term, workable solutions that do not impede operational efficiency.

We have established and implemented Certified Agreement strategies that ensure:

  1. Managers set a climate among the work force that commence negotiations in a conducive and constructive manner;
  2. The timing of Certified Agreements negotiations eventuate at the most opportune time in the business cycle;
  3. Ensure impact on commercial contractual arrangements are mitigated;
  4. Negotiations of certified agreements did not coincide with the launching/commencement  of industry wide union wage campaigns;
  5. Effective management of the bargaining process and ‘protected action’ phases of the bargaining process; and
  6. Wage outcomes do not encourage any ‘leap frogging’.



WIRE Solutions — 2005 + (additional clients in Technology & Health sectors)

Tenix — 2000- 2005
(Defence Engineering & Manufacture)

TNT — 1991 -2000 (Logistics/Transport)

AEWL — 1988 1991


ABN 23 643 840 497
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